Bulk Billing Dietician and Physiotherapist available - book via HotDoc or call reception

Medicare & New Patient Information for Sydney

Medicare & New Patient Information for Sydney

At Bridgeside Medical Centre, our books are always open, this means that we will always accept and welcome new patients.

If you are a new patient to Bridgeside Medical Centre, please bring the following to your consultation:

  • A Valid Medicare card.
  • Form of payment, we accept cash and eftpos. We do not accept cheques or AMEX.
  • If your consultation is for Workcover, inform your employer prior to your appointment and bring your employers contact details with you.

Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time to complete a Registration Form.

You can also make an appointment on our website.

If you need to change or cancel your appointment, please inform us as soon as possible.

Please note that payment is required at the time of your consultation. We are unable to issue accounts.